Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Good, The Bad, The Frustration…..

A Failed Attempt
I’m not one to hold back.  I knew that eventually in doing this painting challenge, there would come some pretty very bad practice studies, so, as with the good, I’m also going to share the bad.

As painters, we all go through highs and lows with the results of our work. Sometimes what you see in your mind as a finished work doesn’t turn out like you planned.  As they say, everything works in theory, but not so much in practice.  To expand our knowledge and skill as artists, we need to push ourselves into areas where we are not comfortable.  For me, one of the least comfortable areas in pastel painting is street scenes.  I know this going into the painting, but I also know that I’ll only improve by trying.  I can study other artist’s paintings, go over lessons both on line and in person, but I feel like a beginner.   Only practice will resolve my discomfort.

Maybe it’s a lack of confidence.  I don’t approach street scenes like I do landscapes.  I’m not as bold. I’m more concerned with how the painting will turn out rather than just enjoying the process.  Today's practice challenge is a 5 x 7 island street scene.  From my viewpoint, it’s some of my worst work and I became so frustrated that I didn’t even finish it.  I had planned to have vehicles on the street, and shoppers on the sidewalk, but after looking at the buildings I just threw up my hands.

After reflecting on my reaction and getting over the frustration, I realized that there is a lot to be learned from the failed attempt.  I can now take time and calmly analyze where I went wrong, what areas I need to work on, and take steps to improve on my next street scene.  Is it a problem for me?  Yes, definitely at this moment but I need to remember, problems are only challenges that give us opportunities, opportunities to grow.  (Not only in art, but in life in general.)  So, next time you confront a problem, remember that it’s just an opportunity in disguise!

Keep painting! (even when they turn out really bad)

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