"To be good is not enough when you dream of being great" – Anonymous
Desert Blooms 002, Pastel on Wood Panel,
14 x 11, Available from Artist
©Randy Hamburg |
Don’t we all desire to be great at something? We feel pride when we’re told we’re a great parent, or a great friend, or we’re great at(fill in the blank). Who wants to be merely mediocre?
My desire is to be a great painter, but what are some of the things it takes?
Passion: When you love something, you want to do it. You have fun doing it and think about it constantly. Passion drives excellence.
Skill: Learn it! Read, listen to those who know how to do it, attend workshops, get feedback from those more experienced on how to make improvements.
Practice. Practice to become better, make mistakes and learn from them. After a few years you’ll become good at it.
Mentors: Surround yourself with people who share your passion.
Practice some more. Some estimate that it takes 6 – 10 years to become great at something depending on the time you put into it. How much are you willing to put into your passion. Are you willing to put in enough to become great?
So, to hold myself accountable, I’ve started this blog. It will be my record of what I’m doing to become a great painter. I'll be starting a plan for practicing to improve my painting skills and I invite you to join me. Hopefully, as you get to know me, it will also motivate you and help you improve as you follow my progress.
Remember, practice, practice, practice!
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